create defiant peace

welcome to the all the hard things blog

In this episode, I’m joined by joined by fellow OCD advocate and warrior, Krista, who shares her story about relationship OCD, postpartum OCD, and more. We discuss.. – how her OCD has morphed from theme to theme over time – the difficulty of “the backdoor spike” and how to handle this common OCD phenomenon – […]

October 12, 2023

Episode # 147 – The Backdoor Spike and Morphing OCD Themes with Krista


As Jenna says, the content of OCD doesn’t matter. I have come to learn this too, and Iknow that to successfully recover from OCD, you have to focus on the thought process,not the content. I am going to try and show this to you through two ways in which OCDran my life over the past […]

Acceptance and Stepping Away From Content in OCD: A Guest Blog by Matt Scoppa

October 3, 2023

Compulsions, Guest Blogs, Recovery Tips