If you’re anything like me or many of the people I work with, you’ve likely found yourself stuck in a never-ending cycle of overanalyzing or ruminating over every little detail—past, present, or future. You think and think, hoping to find the right answer, the perfect solution, or some sense of certainty, but instead, you just end up feeling more overwhelmed and anxious. Have you ever felt like overthinking fuels your anxiety? I bet you have!
Today, we’re going to talk about these thought patterns, known as mental compulsions. This includes things like overanalyzing, excessive worrying, ruminating, and trying to figure out every scenario in your head. I’ll explain why these behaviors keep you trapped in a spiral and, most importantly, how you can start breaking free.
Here’s a little preview of what we’ll cover:
I’m Jenna Overbaugh, a licensed therapist who’s been working with people who have OCD/anxiety since 2008. I am all about helping you get your life back so OCD and fear no longer keep you feeling so small. Follow along for tons of resources, guidance, and encouragement to do ALL THE HARD THINGS!
Website: www.jennaoverbaughlpc.com (free newsletter + resources)
Instagram: jenna.overbaugh
Disclaimer: Please note that the information/resources offered on this podcast is not, nor is it intended to be, therapy or a replacement for therapy. It does not constitute a client/therapist relationship.
The holidays can be a magical time, but let’s be real—they can also feel like a bit much. Between family expectations, endless to-do lists, and the pressure of all the “shoulds” we place on ourselves, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. If you’re managing OCD and anxiety, that weight can feel even heavier.
So today, we’re diving into how to find peace amidst the holiday chaos. Whether you’re navigating challenging family dynamics or battling those intrusive “what-ifs,” this is your guide to creating space for calm during this busy season. So, grab your coffee, tea, or hot cocoa, and let’s settle in for an honest chat about what it takes to truly manage your mental health during the holidays.
What we are going to dive into today:
Good enough thinking
Setting tiny boundaries
Dealing with intrusive thoughts
Managing OCD and anxiety and New Years resolutions
You can find the full shownotes here: https://jennaoverbaughlpc.com/managing-ocd-and-anxiety
💥 Ready to break free from anxiety and intrusive thoughts? Join my Seven-Day Breakthrough Challenge!: https://jennaoverbaughlpc.com/breakthrough
💪 Ready to conquer OCD/anxiety? Explore The OCD and Anxiety Recovery Blueprint – with or without a therapist: https://jennaoverbaughlpc.com/blueprint
⚡ Sign up for my FREE Masterclass, Break Free Power Hour, on Taking Control of Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts: https://www.jennaoverbaughlpc.com/power
👏 Unlock your free 40-minute video on “5 Must-Know Strategies for Handling Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts”: https://jennaoverbaughlpc.com/strategies
🧠 Start your transformation today with the Mental Compulsion Mini Course referenced in this episode: https://jennaoverbaughlpc.com/mental-compulsions
DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind that Jenna is not your therapist. She does not provide you with individualized recommendations or advice. The information provided is intended as educational information only. Jenna cannot tell you what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, or give recommendations based on your unique situations or circumstances. Nothing on this page or Site should be construed as therapeutic recommendation or personalized advice. If you are in need of such services, please consult with a physician or other medical provider right away to determine the best course of action for you. We are not responsible for your use of this page, this website, or the contents within. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU READ OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE AND CONTENT. For more information, please read the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer. Your continued use of this platform, this page, and the contents within constitutes as your agreement with this agreement.
© 2024 Jenna Overbaugh, LLC, All Rights Reserved
When we talk about OCD, anxiety, or intrusive thoughts, most people think of physical compulsions—checking locks, washing hands, or asking for reassurance. But mental compulsions can be just as powerful, if not more so, because they often feel automatic and harder to notice. Mental compulsions are the things you do inside your head to try and relieve anxiety.
Does this sound familiar? Going over a conversation a million times, analyzing every little detail, questioning every decision, or obsessing over “what if” scenarios. You might also find yourself ruminating on past mistakes or fearing future outcomes. It’s exhausting, right?
The truth is, mental compulsions keep you stuck. While it may feel like you’re getting some temporary relief from these behaviors, they don’t solve the problem. In fact, they often make your anxiety worse in the long run.
So why do mental compulsions feel like they help, but actually make things worse? The more you engage in these behaviors, the more your brain learns that you need to keep thinking about the issue in order to stay safe. Every time you overanalyze a decision, your brain receives the message that this thing is important, and the way to feel better is to think more about it.
It’s like trying to dig yourself out of a hole by continuing to dig. You tell yourself, “If I just figure out this one last detail, I’ll find the answer. I’ll feel better.” But instead of dropping the shovel and getting out, you’re just digging deeper and reinforcing the anxiety. The clarity or certainty you’re seeking never truly comes, and you end up feeling even worse.
So, what can you do instead? The key principles of Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) offer powerful solutions. These therapies focus on helping you stop engaging in mental compulsions and learn to sit with uncertainty.
I get it—this is easier said than done. I’ve been there too. But with practice, you can retrain your brain to respond differently to anxious thoughts. Instead of getting sucked into overthinking, you can start to notice the thought, acknowledge it, and let it pass without engaging. Over time, your brain will realize that it doesn’t need to overanalyze to feel safe, and the grip of anxiety will begin to loosen.
One approach is to say to yourself, “I’m having the thought that I need to figure this out, but I don’t have to act on it.” Then, you go about your day without giving in to the compulsion. With practice, your brain will start to trust that you don’t need to constantly overthink to feel okay.
I’ve worked with hundreds, if not thousands, of people who felt trapped by the cycle of overthinking. They believed they would never stop, that these thoughts would always control their lives. But once they began working through these techniques—learning to reduce mental compulsions and embrace uncertainty—they started to see real progress.
It’s not about eliminating the thoughts completely, because you can’t control what pops into your mind. The real power comes from learning how to respond to those thoughts in a different way. You can’t always control the anxiety, but you can control how you react to it.
If you’ve been feeling trapped in the cycle of overanalyzing and mental compulsions, remember that there is hope. Breaking free from the spiral of overthinking is possible with the right tools and mindset. It’s not about eliminating every anxious thought but learning how to respond to them in a healthier, more empowering way. You can retrain your brain to let go of the need for certainty and find peace in the present moment.
If this resonates with you and you’re ready to take action, I invite you to explore some resources that can support your journey. Head here to sign up for the free Stop the Spiral Masterclass, where you’ll learn practical strategies to break the cycle of mental compulsions and embrace uncertainty. For more free and low-cost resources, head here to get even deeper into your recovery.
You’re not alone in this. With persistence, you can regain control and start living the life you deserve. Keep moving forward, and trust that you’ve got this!
👏 Unlock your free 40-minute video on “5 Must-Know Strategies for Handling Anxiety and Intrusive Thoughts”: https://jennaoverbaughlpc.com/strategies
🧠 Start your transformation today with the Mental Compulsion Mini Course referenced in this episode: https://jennaoverbaughlpc.com/mental-compulsions
💪 Ready to conquer OCD/anxiety? Explore The OCD and Anxiety Recovery Blueprint – with or without a therapist: https://jennaoverbaughlpc.com/blueprint
DISCLAIMER: Please keep in mind that Jenna is not your therapist. She does not provide you with individualized recommendations or advice. The information provided is intended as educational information only. Jenna cannot tell you what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, or give recommendations based on your unique situations or circumstances. Nothing on this page or Site should be construed as therapeutic recommendation or personalized advice. If you are in need of such services, please consult with a physician or other medical provider right away to determine the best course of action for you. We are not responsible for your use of this page, this website, or the contents within. NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU READ OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE AND CONTENT. For more information, please read the Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer. Your continued use of this platform, this page, and the contents within constitutes as your agreement with this agreement.
© 2024 Jenna Overbaugh, LLC, All Rights Reserved
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