create defiant peace

welcome to the all the hard things blog

Hi! My name is Leeor Gal, I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the group practice owner of The Therapy Gal. I wanted to write this article because I’ve noticed many of my clients struggling with these symptoms and looking for solutions. While working with them, I realized that I can also help so […]

December 5, 2023

7 Daily Habits to Combat Depression While Managing Your OCD: A Guest Blog by Leeor Gal

For Therapists, Guest Blogs, OCD and Anxiety Basics, Recovery Tips

As Jenna says, the content of OCD doesn’t matter. I have come to learn this too, and Iknow that to successfully recover from OCD, you have to focus on the thought process,not the content. I am going to try and show this to you through two ways in which OCDran my life over the past […]

Acceptance and Stepping Away From Content in OCD: A Guest Blog by Matt Scoppa

October 3, 2023

Compulsions, Guest Blogs, Recovery Tips