The Endgame

Revolutionize your relationship with OCD, anxiety, and fear.

For good.

take me there

You’ve done a lot of work around your OCD. But that overwhelm monster still creeps up on you. The misinformation about recovery. The ‘will I ever be normal’ thoughts flood your brain. The next step. You better get it right and make it perfect, because you want to do this right – says that dang perfectionism demon. You’ve come so far and now bulletproofing your recovery is almost as stressful as starting it. 

The Perfectionism Demons

Don’t worry, my warrior, we’re going to make this stuff stick. Slay the perfectionism demon and give you your damn life back.

Understanding OCD? You could lecture at Brown. Preventing rituals? You’re preventing like a pro. Preventing relapses? That’s the shaky spot. You don’t just want progress. You want to solidify those damn skills, take center stage in the final phase of your recovery, and fully put your brain on your team. 

It’s no longer fighting OCD/anxiety, trying to stay afloat as it grabs your ankles. You have home team advantage. You’re here to score. To win. What are we winning?

It’s Time to Play Offense

A life where OCD gets the f*ck out of the way. 

You're in control.

You’re ready to immerse yourself in everything life throws at you

By diving deeply into the ‘exposure’ part of ERP, you can face your biggest fears (safely) and permanently conquer them. 

Level expert is waiting. Master it, you protect yourself against relapses and firmly put yourself in the ‘I took my life back’ category. 

There are only a few pieces left on the board.

The Endgame is the advanced phase of your OCD/anxiety recovery journey.


Your move.
Take back control.
You’re damn close. 

Gain a deep understanding of the principles behind exposures in ERP (and even better, figure out how to use them in your recovery).

Design effective exposures that put you face to face with your specific fears– and make it so you slay those scaries.

Manage anxiety, panic, and uncertainty during some of your most avoided exposures.

Build resilience against setbacks, and pack up recovery perfection for good.

When you deepen into the most advanced level of your recovery journey, you will: 

View obstacles as growth instead of massive ‘can’t f*cking do this’ brick walls.

Actively approach your fears instead of avoiding them (talk about taking the wheel in your damn life).

Develop your bulletproof relapse prevention plan to sustain your recovery.

Integrate your personal values back into your life and do what really matters now that fear got the f*ck out of your future.

Live in alignment with what you really want.

i'm ready, let's do it.

What’s Inside 

i need this

The One Way You Can Do This Wrong: Trying Too Hard To Do It (Perfectly) Right

Information can be overwhelming. But you don’t have to do everything. And you sure as hell don’t have to do everything perfectly. Perfectionism and urgency can turn caring into caring TOO much so you avoid it all. So let’s quell it. 


Facing Fear Head-On: A Deep Dive into the Power of Exposures

Exposure. Experimenting. Leaving the comfort zone. You want recovery. You want a normal life. So which exposures should YOU choose based on your values and create the last step of your recovery plan. 


Good Exposures and Not So Good Exposures

It works and it’s sensible. The 2 things that need to be present to strategically ensure your exposure therapy is productive, safe, and effective AF. We’ll talk about good exposures and not so good ones.


Getting To The Root: Exposures to Core Fears

Core fears. The ones that shake you down to your bones. How will you ever come out ahead against them? And how can you incorporate them into your exposure work without sh*tting your pants with panic? While still resisting rituals, of course.


Imaginal vs. In Vivo—Conquering Fears in the Mind and the World

What’s in your mind? And what’s real life? We keep going with exposures here, giving you examples of the 2 with clear distinctions– adding to your ability to discern which exposures you should pick.


What To Do Before, During, and After an Exposure (and What Not To Do)

Basics? You have them down. Big feelings during an exposure? F*cckkkkkk. Let’s get ahead of it, equipping you with what to expect, experiences you may have, and what the heck you should do during each part of the exposure process.


Managing Anxiety and Uncomfortable Emotions During Exposures

This is hard. And your brain is going to repeat that thought again and again to you. But this is where we talk about difficult feelings. This is where we reality check. This is where I pull you right back when you try to ‘dip out.’ With love, of course.


Hierarchy Development: Building Fear Ladders (But Not Yours..Yet)

What's the exposure hierarchy? What makes one successful? We’ll create a sh*t-ton for imagined people, starting ‘off theme’ so you can be a pro at knowing how these things work before we tackle your own.


Hierarchy Mastermind: Building Your Personal Exposure Plan

The moment. It’s here. Sit down and work on this sucker with me, creating a strategic hierarchy that systematically gets you to the result you're looking for. Ya know, the come at me life, I’m living it like a normal f*cking person feeling.


Leveling Up: When To Move Onto Harder Exposures

See your progress. Measure it. See if you need to keep working on something and feel good that you’re ready to move TF on.


Surprise! Handling Unexpected Triggers

Woah. Woaahhhh. F*ck. You were not ready for this one. See unexpected as an opportunity for growth (I know, vom) and see how to use them to develop your armor against relapse.


Embracing the Dynamic Duo—Purposeful and Situational Exposures

What’s the difference between a purposeful and situational exposure? Examples. Yep, got ‘em. You need both in your journey, so here’s how to add them in.


Non-Engagement Responses to Help You Let Go and Move On: with Special Guest, Dr. Lisa Levine

Non-engagement. The BIGGEST needle-mover when it comes to turning that f*cking table on OCD. Examples. Strategies. Everything you need to master it. In here. 


Tracking Progress and Handling Setbacks Like A Pro

Perfectionism? Who’s she? You’re now going to track your progress without needing to feel like a damn 100%-er all of the time. You’ll learn how to get through hiccups like the badass you are. 


To Flood or Not to Flood?

Should you do it? Rip that f*cking Band-aid off? We’ll define flooding and give examples + research so you know whether or not it’s right for your recovery. 


Is It Distraction? Or Is It Just Moving On With Your Life?

Let’s expose those sneaky rituals through good and bad distractions. By learning how to tell which is which, you remain in control.


Seeking Information or Seeking Reassurance? How to Tell and What To Do

When you ask questions, you're not always seeking reassurance. Sometimes, you're just seeking information. So how the heck can you tell the difference?! We need to resist these curious rituals at all costs. Trust me.


Building Momentum
 with Motivation and Willingness

Let’s bust the motivation myths because these concepts are involved when it comes to your recovery– but they’re not the make-or-break when it comes to change. Still, we’ll learn how you can foster them to make recover easier.


Building Resilience for Tolerating Uncertainty

Sitting with and learning to tolerate uncertainty is legit the last thing you want to do– I get it. But you don't get a choice. So let's figure it out together. This is SO relevant to OCD and surrendering to it will make this process a hell of a lot easier.


Progress Checkpoint: Evaluating Advancements and Celebrating Wins

Goal discussing time. I see you. Trying to minimize your accomplishments and feed those pesky self-deprecating thoughts. Be mindful of how far you’ve come. You deserve it. 


Redefining Goals and Embracing Adaptability

More SMART goals. Refreshing what you have. Continue adapting and adjusting as you move forward. Flexibility and forward movement are key.


Falling Forward: Embracing Lessons from Lapses and Relapses

These lapses are bound to happen, but they don't have to be as bad as you think. In fact, you can learn from them. Let’s explore the difference between a lapse and a relapse so you can stop a temporary hiccup in its tracks.


Building the Armor: Formulating an Effective Relapse Prevention Plan

So much of OCD/anxiety recovery work is being a step ahead of the game. Kind of like chess. I don't know much about chess, BUT I do know that it's helpful to think one step ahead of your competitor– so that's exactly what we're going to do here.


Taming the Whack-a-Mole: Techniques for Managing OCD's Ever-Shifting Targets

OCD/anxiety is often known as playing the game of ‘Whack-A-Mole’ where you’re always trying to quell it. Sometimes, this can happen multiple times a year, multiple times a month, or even multiple times a day. The target isn’t all of these moles, so which one do you whack?


Anxious About Not Being Anxious: The Backdoor Spike

You feel like anxious. But f*ck, what’s that coming through the backdoor? A spike of anxiety. It makes you even more anxious. Are you going BACK into the vortex? Here’s how to handle this like a total boss. 


Equipping Loved Ones to Aid Your Recovery

OCD/anxiety doesn't just impact you. It affects the entire family, your friends, and your loved ones. This lesson is all about how to get them to be supportive in your journey with examples, definitions, and scripts.


Making Decisions Aligned with Your Values

Values are an important part of your recovery. You're used to saying "yes" to anxiety and fear, but now you're going to let your values in. But how will you know who they are, now that they’re not masked with anxiety.


Maximizing the Magic: Getting the Most out of Exposure and Response Prevention

ERP is life-changing. By this point, you will see and feel this. But I want you to keep upleveling your response prevention and make this a lifestyle.


Crafting a Fulfilling Post-Recovery Lifestyle

This isn't an in-and-out kind of gig. ERP is for life. And while that might sound daunting, it doesn't have to be. I brought my good friend and fellow OCD specialist, Caryn Gill, on for this lesson so she could talk to you about all things recovery and relapse prevention.


Elevating Well-Being with Behavioral Activation

Supercharge that recovery with wellness. Behavioral Activation is evidence-based for depression but anyone can benefit from it– especially when you’re improving hierarchy and exposure.


Defying OCD with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Strategies

A deeper dive into Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to bolster your ERP work. You can start using these new skills immediately. 


Introduction to Inference Based CBT (ICBT) for OCD and Anxiety

Inference Based CBT (ICBT) is a hot topic in our field these days, and I wanted to give you the most cutting-edge info and applications for this powerful method of rewiring your brain. 


Unleash Your Inner Champion with Self-Compassion

Love yourself. Haha. I know. Cliche beyond belief. But self-compassion will unlock an entirely new way of viewing perfectionism and your recovery journey. It’ll also prevent relapses.


Mastering Mindfulness for OCD and Anxiety

Right here. Right now. Mindfulness is a powerful practice for everyone, but especially those with OCD/anxiety. Learn how to harness it in your journey.


Cultivating Self-Encouragement Without It Becoming Self-Reassurance

Needing validation and reassurance is not the vibe when it comes to your recovery journey. But encouraging yourself? A million thumbs up. Be your own therapist and your own cheerleader through every step of your recovery.


Additional Tools for Your Journey from Carly Samach, LMHC

Meet The Moment: A Mindfulness Exercise

Let the Moment Close: A Mindfulness Exercise

Settling into Stillness: A Mindfulness Exercise

This series of meditations guides you through staying present, stillness, and moving from moment to moment– providing a great practice to your overall recovery journey. 

- allison

I really wish I knew all this information when I was struggling with my OCD. Jenna, you deserve to be celebrated, you’re changing lives."

"I just finished “Your Brain is So Smart it’s Dumb”. And I cried! OMG! This is life changing!"

Step into this next level.

Expose yourself to fear.

Slay it. For good.

I’ve been struggling with that damn ‘fear voice’ of OCD/anxiety since I was a kid. And since 2008, I’ve specialized in treating it. Working at ALL levels of care, including residential at both Rogers Memorial Hospital and Johns Hopkins– I’ve seen it all. 8 years of the most debilitating cases of OCD and anxiety in the world. Comorbidities. Unconventional presentations. Your taboo thoughts and presentations won’t even ‘wow’ me, let alone scare me. I’ve truly seen it all. Try and surprise me. You’ll win a prize if you can. 

And that seen it all trait I have, makes my 1:1 waitlist overflow with people who want to experience recovering for good. And right now, this is the closest way you get to work with me

I’ve always wanted to treat OCD. Something that I feel traditional therapy has all wrong. OCD isn’t a textbook case of ‘scared of germs.’ Mental compulsions. Ruminations. Sitting with uncertainty (and struggling!). Intrusive thoughts. OCD/anxiety is so much more than stereotypes.

But one thing’s for sure– once you recover, you can take your life back. 

Hi there, I’m Jenna.

Meet Your Teacher 

Don’t want to put in the work to recover and bulletproof those new skills

Struggle to prevent rituals on a daily basis

Are at level 1 of understanding and recovering from OCD/anxiety

And it’s not for those who:

Someone who wants to win against OCD, not just tolerate its presence

Someone who wants MORE. Like a life-altering, I’ve never felt this in control kinda shift

Someone who has a deep understanding of ritual prevention (#prereq)

Someone who has been working on their OCD/anxiety for a good bit now 

Who it's for:

You’re the therapist. This is not a PDF and a ‘do this’ list.

This isn’t your vanilla, ‘what’s your sub-type?’ exposure therapy

sign up now

I’ll show you how I think as a therapist so you can think your way through whatever life wants to toss at you. Recovery is now part of your daily life. It’s sustainable. You’re feeling confident that you can expose yourself to anything that’s important to you and thrive right through it. 

I’d even say this is the most robust education on exposures that you’ll find on the Internet. 

This is your life. You deserve way more than a mental health jargon cookie-cutter sandwich. 

"You’re such an inspiration for people like me who struggle with anxiety and intrusive thoughts. I also love the community and our interaction in the chat. You made me feel heard and understood.”

- David

"You made OCD/anxiety easy to understand and many times funny in your discussion."

Action. Exposure. Composure. Looks great on them. 

39 videos with 14 hours of to-the-point content 

22 worksheets that put you in the driver's seat of your journey

Lifetime access to the course

Access to the private Circle community 

Finish this thing.
Defeat OCD.

By signing up for The Endgame, you’ll get: 


the investment

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Common Qs and As:

I have a question...

You'll soon see that, while I reference OCD and anxiety the most frequently, I talk about the process of all of these conditions - which is very much the same.  Therefore, the way we should be treating and addressing them are also very similar.  Someone with anxiety, social phobia, or any other anxiety related condition would likely benefit from this course.  You also do not need a formal diagnosis for this course.


The good news is, you might be able to use your HSA/FSA funds! The bad news is, I can't tell you for sure. You will have to call your policy holders to check with them as plans differ so widely from individual to individual. I also am not able to write you a letter of necessity on anyone's behalf.

can i use my hsa/fsa for this? 

You can see my complete refund policy on my Terms of Use page, which you can access by clicking here.  I offer a conditional 30 satisfaction guarantee with The OCD and Anxiety Recovery Blueprint, The Foundation, The Transformation, and The Endgame. If you are not satisfied after having completed the coursework in full after 30 days, show us your work (as outlined in the Terms of Use) and we will offer 2 complimentary 1:1 sessions. I do not offer refunds for any products.

what's your refund policy?

You do not need formal diagnosis of OCD, anxiety, or any other condition in order to benefit from the material within these courses or products.  There are plenty of individuals inside the courses and community who have a diagnosis and plenty who do not have a diagnosis.  If you are a therapist, you will also find this material helpful as my process in teaching the concepts is much the same whether I'm teaching an individual with OCD/anxiety or a therapist. 

do i need a diagnosis? what if i'm a therapist?